Saturday, December 4, 2010

19-20 weeks (20 this Monday)

I feel like I finally look pregnant.  But now that it's full-on Winter, nobody ever gets to see the belly under my sweaters and jackets!  So this is me saying "phooey" to winter. Last night we had the WBS Banquet and the snow came down so beautifully as we walked down the street to the hall.  I showered, did my hair, and even put on eye make-up!  This is the most dressed up I've been in four months.  Derek took my photo.  I felt very pretty.  And grateful for a renewed appetite which allowed for a nearly full plate of Christmas dinner!


  1. You look so great!! My theory is that despite the cold, you should always wear your sweater or your jacket open. 1) you're hot anyways, and 2) why can't you parade that belly around!

    Full plate of Christmas food.....drool.....

  2. Yay for prettiness and appetites and baby bellies! You look great. And I hope your energy and appetite come back in full force :) Sorry to ask this annoying question, but are you going to find out the sex?

  3. Yay! So good to see your growing belly. Hope you had a great time at the banquet.

  4. I wanna see the pretty picture of my sister all dolled up :). XOXO! Lis

  5. Love the baby bump, you look so beautiful!

  6. WOW!!!! halfway!!!!! **tears** i'm so happy for you!!
