Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Let them eat cake

Mostly Luke says "no" these days.  To everything.  Anything.  When I checked on him in the backyard the other day he grumpily said,  "I don't want it to rain anymore."
I responded with, "Well, tell God."
His response was, "I don't like God."
This boy has taken negativity to a whole new level. And sometimes I sink lower than he does.

Especially in the middle of the night when Seamus has been fussing for over three hours.  When I haven't slept more than an hour and a half in a row in over two weeks.  When the pile of dirty diapers is high, the bedroom is hot and sticky, the dining room table is grungy and gross, the dishes are starting to smell, I haven't seen the counter top in more weeks than I remember, the baby is crying, the dog is barking, Luke is shouting, the phone is ringing and I swear - didn't I just feed you all?!  why are you hungry again?!  Those cute stories about new babies and how much we love them are so easy to tell.  Nobody likes telling the stories about....when was the last time I showered?  And why can't I remember how to spell my husband's name for this flipping form?  When was I born?  Good question.  I can take negativity to a whole new level too, these days. 

This afternoon I woke up from my afternoon nap with Seamus on my chest, to a tiny sound...I couldn't place it.  I looked over my shoulder to see the saran wrap getting licked clean by the dog, and Luke digging into a piece of leftover chocolate cake.  I blearily asked, "Did you get into the birthday cake?"  The answer was finally "yes".

To celebrate, I got myself a fork.

You gotta think positive.

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