Friday, August 24, 2012

We got baby-sitters!!!

We are ecstatic!  Carl and Derek are ecstatic too...on the inside.

We ate lots of great things, starting with a bottle of Barberra from Tobin James, ending with gelatti on Corydon, and centered with a fabulous array of pastas from Cafe Carlo.  We talked like people from Winnipeg (real estate gurus are we), we walked like people from Santa Cruz (crossing the street halfway, standing on the yellow line waiting for traffic to clear on the other half), we ate like people from California (start the meal off right with a bottle of wine!).  We talked and we walked and we ate, and WE HAD BABY-SITTERS!!!  Raise your hand if you remember being able to finish three sentences in a row...I can now raise my hand!
The perfect evening.  The perfect double-date.
*sigh* It's good to be with friends.


  1. It was absolutely perfect. Even without deodorant, it was one of the best times I've had in a long time! You guys make us so happy.
