Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Too cold to go outside. Don't want to stay in.

I think my theme for the last few weeks has been food.  And I have to admit, now that our company for tonight has cancelled due to the flu, I almost don't know what to do with myself.  I got really depressed this morning when I walked into my dirty bathroom and thought, "Well, I don't have to clean this today because nobody's gonna care or notice if my mirror is speckled."  Wow.  Am I sad or what?  I need a hobby...other than cooking and hosting!

I ordered some books from the library but apparently they're very popular and I'm on a waiting list.  They are the books by Pseudonymous Bosch.  My Mom recommended them and I'm looking forward to them, but for now I've read through all my favorite series on the shelf and am stuck in hibernation mode without a book!  Tragedy.

The other hobby that I could engage in is, of course, crocheting.  But I need some inspiration.  Some new yarn.  Something.  So here it is, a Wednesday, 10am, and I'm still in my pajamas looking at an entirely free day...I suppose I should be excited and plan something fun and relaxing and fresh!?  Really I just want to go back to bed.  Ideas people. I need ideas.

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