Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012! (tomorrow)

My New Year's resolutions are in threes as follows:
To post the blog three times a week (minimum)
To practice yoga three times a week (minimum)
To eat three meals a day (maximum - and no snacking!)

Perhaps I don't need to apologize, but I feel like I should say I'm sorry for not posting the blog in the last several weeks.  I suppose I could give you any number of plausible excuses, but they'd all be just that, excuses.  The truth is I didn't want to post, so I didn't.  I do understand the importance of the blog for my family far away, and as a record of my children's lives for their own benefit, (also I really do enjoy it most of the time) hence the New Year's resolution. 
I plan not to fall asleep on the job again.

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