Friday, June 29, 2012

First Steps!!

Yesterday Seamus took his first two steps!  It was unexpected.  He hasn't shown any great inclination to walk.  He walks along furniture, or holding your hand, but he doesn't seem super interested.  Seamus can get where he wants to by crawling.  Yesterday he wasn't walking towards anything in particular.  I was in the kitchen and he had crawled over to the loveseat, pulled himself up, and then he just walked out into the living room.  He sat down on his hands and knees on my yoga mat and then began to cry because I, of course, was jumping up and down and shouting, and scaring the poor baby.  But boy were we excited!  High fives all around.  Three cheers for Seamus!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! Crazy?! That's just awesome. Oh, so proud of you Seamus!
