Saturday, October 19, 2013

First Snow; ten weeks to go!

With the snow here this morning, and hard frosts finishing off the last of my garden produce, it is time to take down the trampoline.  Of course the snow melted during the day, and didn't stick to anything that holds heat, but still we recognize it as the beginning of the end.  I have to admit, in some ways seeing snow this morning sent a thrill through me.  I've been telling myself, "The baby's not coming until Winter", and here is the first sign of Winter - literally on my doorstep!

So, perhaps the change in weather is what prompted my "nesting", or perhaps it was just the fact that things are moving along so fast in the basement (we got carpet this last week!).  But this weekend we have moved a lot of furniture, including moving the crib and rocking chair into our bedroom!  That was really exciting, so of course I had to empty out a drawer for baby's little onesies, buy teeny tiny diapers and pack my hospital bag.  Derek set up the boy's bunk beds which is just thrilling them no end (especially the idea that they may be able to jump from the top bunk onto a bean bag chair...mommy's nervous about this one), and we are getting homeschool books and activities sorted and organized - which means the top of the piano and the dining room table are at last clearing off!  

Hurray for nesting!  Hurray for snow!  Hurray for only 10 weeks to go!

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