Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Seamus Says. Luke Says.

(with incredulity, at an indoor pool) Hey Mom!  There are no dolphins in this pool!

You're a good boy, Mom.

S: Mom, Luke doesn't have a good idea.  I have a good idea.
me: What's your idea?
S: Oh!  I don't know!

(hugging my belly) Good night baby budder.  (And then to my breasts) And good night baby, good night baby.

me to Luke: It's okay, I understand.
S: Yeah, me too.  I dunder-band.

(While putting Seamus down for a nap downstairs and Luke upstairs.  Also, you should know that Luke's blanket has dachshunds on it)  I want Luke to sleep HERE, in his dog bed!

me: Don't rock my chair please, Seamus.
S:  BUT!  I LOVE you!

I don't like coffee like Seamus does.  But I'm gonna like it when I'm a teenager.

Should I swat my face?

(after I asked him to stop twisting his hair, and told him he would go bald if he didn't stop)  Mom, it's okay if I'm bald in the winter because my jacket has a furry hood!

Hey Mom!  Did you know I have such a BIG mouth?!

My job around the house is shooting rubberbands at bad guys.

(singing, I've got the moves like Jagger after jazz dance class) I've got the moves like ja-azz!

Dad!  Dad!  Dad!  Look Dad!  I can balance cheese on my head!
Derek: Yes!  You've got a bright future ahead of you.

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