Monday, July 26, 2010

If you were a fly on the wall

at 13 Roadrunner Bay you would hear:
"Daddy, come and hammer this!"
"There's the sky.  What's it doing up there?"
"I see my sandbox.  Is it happy to see me, Mommy?"
"Daddy's resting, let's jump on him."
"Should we eat a donut mommy?  We should eat a donut.  Get in the car."
"Get off the couch, stand up and play throw and catch with me."
"Let's read our books outside by the pool."
"Alright chugga chugga choo choo, they're on their way home are you ready to drive?"
"I have a popper (hopper), a boxcar, a red caboose and a Thomas, but where is Percy?"
"Oh no, there is yogurt everywhere!"
"I guess it is time for you to give me some privacy.  I'm going poop!"
"Grampa is coming in Manitober (Manitoba in October)."
"Can I read the movie?"
"I'm snuggling in my bathtub water."
"Is that hot?  No it's cold hamba-iggater (hamburger).  The fench fies (french fries) are hot. You have to blow on them."
"I've got another snotty nose, again."
"Dwop it Yinus (Drop it Linus)!"
"Is your name Yoya, Mommy?  Derk's name is Derk, Mom."
"Sometimes it's fun to run and JUMP."
"Maybe I should have some raisins, because I'm a big boy."
"Splash me, Mom!  No, bite me Mom!  No, not my arm, bite my foot!"
And my most and least favorite combined:
"Mom, I'm stepping on your flowers.  Now I'm not stepping on them.  Now I am stepping on them. Now I'm not."

Year 2 in The Sunshine Room

I know it's not actually the beginning of year two of my's closer to three.  But it was time to make a new blog to reflect the passage of time, the changes in myself and my family... and I ran out of storage space for my photos in the old blog.  Maybe in the future I will change the blog to reflect how old Luke is...I don't know.  But for now, find us here: 
The blogging hiatus is over!