Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Michael Finnigan Begin Again

I just don't want to forget things.  Four kids makes for lots of things to try and remember.  Weight, illnesses, funny phrases or pronunciations.  Today, without filling in the gap of TWO YEARS worth of missed blogging, I am going to jump right back in.  So that I don't forget.

Last week Poppy had immunizations.  At five months old she was 15lb, 14oz.  I dug through the blog for the other kid's weights and I couldn't find Benjamin's!  That's because I had post-partum depression and didn't write anything down....I'm sorry Benjamin.

Here's how they lay out:
Luke @ 3months: 17lb
Seamus @ 3months: 15lb, 14oz
Benjamin @ 3months: loved, but not recorded
Penelope @ 3months: 13lb, 13oz

Maybe I can go find Benjamin's in his immunization record...?