Wednesday, April 20, 2011

39 Weeks

A woman reminded me the other day that we may not get something we really want if we don't pray for it.  So I began praying what seemed a little selfish, "Lord let this baby come while my Mom is here".  So far, no dice.  And the clock is ticking.  I keep reminding myself that even if the baby waits a week...or two...or three (!) from today, that today is a good day. 

Today I have a healthy kicking baby in my womb that I love, and whom I have the exciting chance to prepare for and look forward to meeting.  Today my Mom is here and we sat in the sunshine on the deck and watched Luke pile sand in the trailer of his John Deer tractor.  Today I pulled a few weeds out from around my peonies which are coming up.  Today I went for a long walk and counted 17 geese flying North.  Today we will BBQ salmon and chicken for dinner - delicious.  Today is here.  Tomorrow will come eventually.  And so will baby.
But Lord, hear my prayer!


  1. this is my favorite post yet :)

  2. Now I just have to decide what I really want. . .and then pray for it :)! I am praying for you want, thou, my sunshine-y sister! So thankful Mom is there! XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX, Auntie Lis
