Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not Quite There

The answer to most questions these days is, "I'm/We're not quite there". 

"When's your due date?"
"Is Luke potty-trained?"
"Are you feeling better?"
"Do you have a hospital bag packed?"
"Do you have names decided on for baby?"
"Are you ready?"

37 Weeks.
Still not quite there.


  1. Just get a t-shirt made that says, "Not Quite There" so you don't have to keep repeating yourself. You'll just have to wash it every day though...

  2. You look so beautiful, Lorochka!!!! And what a handsome boy Luke is! Not quite there? thats what i thought and said and Liam was born at 37 weeks and 1 day :)....did not see that coming

    Thinking about you!
