Monday, July 16, 2012

Luke says, Mom says, Seamus says

I'm trying to put Dad's hat on the dog because that will be super funny.

Mom, do you want to catch my gitch?

Luke: You have a booty bag!
Sarah: What does that even mean?!
Luke:  I don't know, but it's funny!

Please stop repeating yourself.  We hear what you're saying, but we're not listening.

I got rid of those shirts because they were too short and I was pretty sure they were never going to be long again.

(the humor in this one is the fact that I only have sons) Make sure you put shoes on when you go out so you don't ruin your nail polish!

You've gotta stop smacking your feet on the floor when you run.

Laura: I want to nibble your cheeks!
Luke: Oh mom, I'm much too skinny for lunch.

Seamus' newest words:
Ba-ya-na (banana!)
Puh! (up)

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