Thursday, July 12, 2012

No, there is too much; I sum up.

We are:
eating bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin in a whiskey cream sauce
drinking summer cream whiskey (we had a lot of whiskey to we are!)
playing in the sprinklers, pool, hose...basically any water we can get our hands on.
weeding flowerbeds and vegetable boxes
walking down the dyke for an ice cream cone
laughing with Auntie Sarah
riding bicycles without training wheels
sitting on the breezy front porch watching other people ride bikes without training wheels
enjoying watching lilies blooming
visiting friends near and far
baking for Celeste and Ayrek
kissing the baby with gusto when he says, most adorably, "Ah-yo" (hello).
practicing yoga
wondering if we live in a dream... green grass, hot air, growing things galore!
dreaming for the future

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