We've been potty-training off and on for some time with limited success (mostly due to constipation and Luke's refusal to poop on the toilet). But a few days ago when we had friends over and Luke took off his poopy diaper and ended up smearing poop all over toys and books I had had enough. If a diaper is no longer containing the poop, then why aren't we just wearing underwear?!
Into underwear he went. That first day was sort of rough. He peed on the floor twice! And peeing was the one thing we thought we had control of. The second day a package arrived in the mail from Luke's Auntie Lissa. It was full of nothing but peeps. Blue, green, yellow and pink peeps. Luke was sitting on the toilet under Derek's supervision when I opened the package and I ran into the bathroom and declared, "Any boy who pees on the toilet gets a peep. If he poops, he gets TWO peeps." And Derek quickly revised my statement, "Poops on the toilet..." Thank goodness for quick revisions.

The next day was delightful. Luke took himself to the bathroom, pulled down his pants and underwear, climbed onto the toilet and only let us know he'd peed after we heard the flush! We were thrilled. But there was still the pooping to deal with. Yesterday (tuesday), we had Mom's group and I was running the photo booth, but Luke insisted on wearing underwear. He made it through the morning without wetting his pants, but wouldn't you know it...he pooped a little in his underwear.
Then he pooped a little in his underwear again later in the evening. And then this morning he did it again. And again. And again. And finally I was so SICK of wiping up stuck on, stinky, disgusting poop that I told Luke I'd had enough. "I'm taking this another direction," I said. "If you poop in your underwear, you will get a swat. (here I was interrupted by muttering from the peanut gallery with, "Swats hurt".)
However, if you poop on the toilet you will get
two peeps. Now you decide how you want to handle pooping from now on."
About an hour later I saw Luke stand stock still. He looked at me with an expression of surprise, and - perhaps a bit of fear? Next moment he was running to the toilet, he pulled down his underwear, climbed up on the toilet, and delivered the biggest bm I've ever seen - bar none. What a guy.
He immediately requested his TWO peeps, and I gladly handed them over. My kid may be downing more sugary treats this week than in the rest of his life combined, but 7 weeks before baby number 2 is due to arrive, you won't be hearing a "peep" outta me.
(apologies! I just couldn't resist the pun)