Friday, March 25, 2011


 Luke, Linus and I went for a very long walk yesterday.  It was colder out on the dyke than I had counted on and so instead of coming home the shorter, more exposed way, we took the long way home through a neighborhood and boy did my hips make me pay for that decision.  I am one sore pregnant lady today.  Luke and Linus had fun splashing in the puddles though, and that cheered me up a lot.  They are a trouble-making team, but so fun off-leash. 

Earlier in the day I took a walkabout our yard.  I am just itching to get out in the dirt.  For now I will have to be satisfied with photographing it as it comes exposed.  I had really hoped to get peas and carrots in the ground before baby comes, but at this point it looks like I may just have to wait to do all my planting until after baby's here.


  1. Here's to hoping spring comes really soon. And Derek doesn't look so horrible anymore!

  2. I love our Australian influences :). Can't wait to walkabout in your garden myself :)! Auntie Lis
