Thursday, June 2, 2011

A little more sleep and a lotta loud music

The swing is our new best friend.  Since we got batteries for it Seamus has been sleeping longer and longer stretches in the swing, which also means feeding times are getting a little further apart.  We've gone from feeding every hour and a half, to feeding every two and a half to three hours.  What a wonderful tool!  Luke never liked the swing.  I wonder what that says about how they'll be different.  Will one boy like roller coasters and the other hate them?  Will one boy like active outdoor activities/sports, and the other boy prefer sitting in a coffee shop reading?  What will they be like as adults, and will I be able to point back to the swing and say, "Yep, it all makes sense because Seamus liked the swing and Luke didn't." ?

We took Seamus to the U2 concert in  Winnipeg on Sunday night.  It was LOUD.  Thankfully we all had earplugs.  I don't have any pictures of the evening, but a stranger took our picture and shouted at us (because everyone was shouting over the noise!), "You are the coolest people I know to bring a baby to the concert.  I have to take your picture to show my wife...she's eight months pregnant.  You're the coolest people I know!"  I am honored to be the coolest stranger he will never see again.  AND he was probably drunk and won't remember why he has a random picture of strangers with a baby on his phone.  Still.

There were actually lots of very drunk people and we overheard a lot of really funny comments.  Like when the snowbirds flew over the stadium the guy behind us had his jaw on the floor, practically drooling, and said, "My life has been wasted until now.  I'm embarassed to admit how cool I thought that was."  Then there was the woman on her boyfriend's shoulders who waved her arms and shouted "Roxy!!!  ROXY!" for about half an hour until Roxy showed up and half the stadium applauded the arrival of Roxy ... mostly because it meant, thank goodness, that woman would stop shouting and showing us all her blue thong (which on it's own caused plenty of wild comments from drunken revelers).  Crazy U2 fans.

I wore Seamus in the cuddlywrap, which kept me warm enough that I didn't need a jacket, and allowed me to nurse without making a scene.  We made the mistake of having floor tickets, so we were standing the entire time, and U2 didn't actually come on stage until we'd been there for 2 hours (opening band, and then an hour to set up U2's guitars, etc.!).  My legs were SO tired.  After we'd listened to U2 for an hour (and we were fairly close to the stage - it was really fun!), Seamus decided he was done and just cried and cried and cried, and would not be comforted.  We took him out of the stadium to see if we could soothe him, but nothing for it.  So we began the 20 minute walk back to our car.  On the way back to the car we got to listen to three or four more songs and I actually enjoyed them more than the music we heard in the stadium because the volume was a little more reasonable.  I'm getting old, aren't I?  In the end, none of us have any permanent hearing loss, so I think the evening counts as a success.  Seamus' first concert.


  1. You are uber cool parents. Elena's first audio visual assault was the movie Rio on a weekday afternoon. No one was there to yell at us how cool we were and she promptly fell asleep as soon as the flickering lights died down.

    I love seeing Seamus in the swing. I remember Kezia in that exact one...

  2. Congratulations!!! On BABY THEIESSEN #2...He's SOOOOO CUTE!!!!:) I would like to see him...are u coming back???:) To Winnipeg?? That's so cool that you took him to see U2. I think it might have been a little loud for him though. Did he have earplugs too?? Did Luke go???:)
