Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby Faces




People are always commenting on which parent or grandparent a baby looks like.  So we finally have all our photos side by side for you to compare.
    Personally, I think Seamus looks a lot like me as a baby.  But I suppose the comparison also has a lot to do with which photos you look at, because in a different baby photo of mine I thought Luke looked exactly like me.  And when I look at Seamus in his car seat while we go for a walk, I always think he resembles Derek.  But in baby photos Luke looks more like Derek as a baby...especially when you can see his chubby thighs.
    Derek commented on my baby photo that I look a lot like my great-grandma Ada.  We could play this game all day!
    I suppose each of our boys look a little bit like each of their parents, who look a little bit like each of their parents, who look a little bit like each of their parents.  

And in the end, they look a whole lot like themselves.

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