Wednesday, November 16, 2011

cousins play date, Kid of the Week

Jaime sent me this picture from her iphone.
Seamus and Cole had a play date this morning because Luke was Kid of the Week at preschool and I got to go to school with him!  I think Cole and Seamus are starting to look more alike.  Maybe it's just their matching stripe-y outfits.  Or the fact that they're both big big boys!  It's good to have cousins.  And cousins so close in age.

   Luke got to bring a Show and Tell (he brought his black stuffed dog whose name, remarkably, is Linus, and told the class, "Linus is a fuzzy little dachshund"), push the button on the elevator, be line leader, bring snack, and go first to wash his hands and sit down for snack.  He also got to help the teacher hold up the wooden letter "C"  and teach the class to start at the top when writing your letters.  It was fun to see what he does, and who he does it with, on Wednesday mornings at preschool, even though I'm certain he wasn't entirely himself with me in the room.  Although, eating the craft was roguishly Luke-like (who can blame him; it was fingerpainting with chocolate pudding?!).
These are really the only pictures I could get without getting some of the other children's faces in.  I didn't want to use any photos with the other kids without the parent's permission, so please forgive me these lame photos.  At least you get to see that my son knows how to sit on a line!  An achievement beyond my wildest imagination.


  1. It was fun having 2 babies to play with :) Was Roehn still eating snack during story time?

  2. Yes, those two stripe monsters look absolutely adorable. And I think it's mean to have a craft with edible parts and not expect them to be eaten right away. I wouldn't have even bothered with the craft and just chowed down, seriously.
