Monday, March 19, 2012

Luke says:

Come look out the window Mom!  It's almost Spring and Iceberg is gonna be open!

If I eat too much I'm going to grow a baby in my stomach and I won't let anyone sit on my baby.

I'm bigger than you, so I'm brave.

What in the world?!

This is a capable magnet: it can stick on the stove, the dishwasher, AND the fridge!

Have a good day and drive safe, Dad.  Make sure to stop whenever there's a red light and go whenever there's a green light!

These mittens are magic, so they're special.

This is the goodest dinner I ever had.  Thanks, Mom.

(on Seamus's toes) This little piggy went to market. This little piggy had roast beef.  This little piggy had none. This little piggy also had roast beef, and this little piggy went 'weeeweeeweeeweewee', all the way home!

luke: I want to tell you that I'm enjoying the soft breeze.
me: Me too!
luke: Yeah, I am also. (the word also doesn't have an 'l' sound in it:  ahso)

1 comment:

  1. "This is a capable magnet" and the line about Iceburg are both amazing!
