.......................Seamus Says....................

Derek: Remember what?
Seamus: Watching ga-CUB-buh-bos.
Derek: Excuse me?
Luke: He says, "do you remember watching The Incredibles?", Dad.
I have a baby growing up with mine belly button.
You yuv you, Mommy.
You forgive you, Yuke.
You have stars in your ears, Mommy! (round diamond earrings)
Mine sandwich is a moon (holding up a crescent of crust).
(pulling weeds, Seamus finds a johnny-jump-up) This one's my FAYbrit color!
Seamus: Are you comf'table, Mommy?
me: Yes.
Seamus: Are you comf'table, now?
me: I am as comfortable as I can be.
Seamus: So...Luke's Batman, huh?
me: You're so cute Seamus.
Seamus: Aww, you're so cute, too.
..........................Luke says...........................
(overheard in Sunday School) That's just my Mom in the bathroom. She's puking because she's pregnant, so it's okay.
This frisbee is like a shield without a handle and I've been looking for a shield my whole life!
When I get to the fairy tree in California I am going to ask for a Hercules costume, and a sword, so I can be as strong as Hercules.
(after a suggestion from me about what to do for Derek for Father's Day) No, Mom, no. Listen. I have the best idea. I think Daddy wants a slingshot for Father's Day.