Monday, June 9, 2014


While Mom and Dad were here in April, Seamus toilet-trained himself!  He just went from diapers to gitch and never looked back!  Note to self:  when Benny is ready to be toilet-trained he will let you know - don't freak out and try to train him before he is will backfire.

Also while Mom and Dad were here Benny rolled over from his tummy to his back.  Mom was so good about making sure Benny got tummy time everyday, and one day we put him down and all left the room and when we returned he was on his back!  He is now rolling back to front as well and front to back, and pretty soon we are going to have to put the baby gate back up!

Luke, Derek and I are finishing the Chronicles of Narnia this evening.  We have been reading them aloud since the end of March.  Before that there was Two Against the North, a lot of Ivy and Bean books, The Secret Garden, and some of the Little House on the Prairies books.

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