Saturday, December 25, 2010
a few california photos
We've had a great visit in California the last two weeks. Back to Manitoba tomorrow with more of an update later this week.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Luke Balloon
Luke loves climbing on his daddy, even when he lays on the couch. And the other evening as he was clobbering his studious father, he tumbled off the back of the couch onto Derek, onto the couch cushion and flew into the air where Derek managed to catch his ankle before lowering him slowly to the floor. He pretty much scared himself silly, but I was laughing so hard that it wasn't long before Luke started laughing too. I said, "That was a really big fall!" and Luke said, "I flew high into the air. It was like there was a Luke balloon!"
This kid is a hoot.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
19-20 weeks (20 this Monday)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy December
How glad I am that it is December! It makes all this snow seem appropriate (although THIS MUCH snow is NEVER appropriate). And it makes our trip to California only 10.5 days away, and counting! Luke can't stop talking about "my friends the whales who live in the ocean in California". Apparently last night a whale knocked on his window and told him he wanted to give Luke a hug. When I asked Luke what he told that fish out of water Luke said, "Go home to the ocean and wait for me there". How do you like that? My kid speaks whale.
With Christmas looming, card business is booming and I am in my element least I hope it's my element because I enjoy doing it, and I like what I produce...I hope my clients like what they pay for! But time is running short in that department and very soon I will have to start turning clients away. Which makes me sad.
In the down-time, of which there isn't much, we are watching episodes of Frasier with one hand on the belly to feel the little one kicking and rolling around. Derek felt the baby move for the first time two nights ago. The same night I had a horrible bloody nose and got blood all over the bedclothes. I was distraught (about the comforter), and when I asked Derek how to get blood out of blankets he said, "Get new blankets". Which I will take as permission to buy an entire new sheet/blanket set including a down comforter. We've lived in Canada how long without owning a down comforter? Derek has always thought it ridiculous that I owned a heated blanket all my life growing up in Southern California and he grew up in snowy Manitoba, sleeping in the cold basement with nothing but a cotton comforter. I say, "poor Derek", not "ridiculous Laura". I like to be warm!
Also, I am recovering from a terrible terrible no good very bad cold. "Recovering" might be the wrong word. I am sick with a cold, and hoping recovery is around the next corner. Wretched cough keeps me awake at night, and the bloody nose was the result of a particularly vicious bout of sneezes. Ick.
To top it all off, I got out of the house today after THREE housebound days because the grocery situation was getting desperate, and wouldn't you know it - my 1/2 hour trip turned into 3 hours because we got a flat on the van, had to get Derek to bring out the WBS compressor so we could drive three blocks to the tire repair shop and then ended up running errands with my mother-in-law who was across the parking lot at the mall. Going to the mall is always good because I get Jonny's and Luke gets a carousel ride (we rarely actually pay to make it go round...he just likes to climb on it).
So here's a mad-dog video to make you smile. All my best wishes as you prepare your hearts and homes for a meaningful Christmas season. I will possibly post once or twice more before we leave, but once we're in CA, all bets are off, we may be too busy with the whales, you see
With Christmas looming, card business is booming and I am in my element least I hope it's my element because I enjoy doing it, and I like what I produce...I hope my clients like what they pay for! But time is running short in that department and very soon I will have to start turning clients away. Which makes me sad.
In the down-time, of which there isn't much, we are watching episodes of Frasier with one hand on the belly to feel the little one kicking and rolling around. Derek felt the baby move for the first time two nights ago. The same night I had a horrible bloody nose and got blood all over the bedclothes. I was distraught (about the comforter), and when I asked Derek how to get blood out of blankets he said, "Get new blankets". Which I will take as permission to buy an entire new sheet/blanket set including a down comforter. We've lived in Canada how long without owning a down comforter? Derek has always thought it ridiculous that I owned a heated blanket all my life growing up in Southern California and he grew up in snowy Manitoba, sleeping in the cold basement with nothing but a cotton comforter. I say, "poor Derek", not "ridiculous Laura". I like to be warm!
Also, I am recovering from a terrible terrible no good very bad cold. "Recovering" might be the wrong word. I am sick with a cold, and hoping recovery is around the next corner. Wretched cough keeps me awake at night, and the bloody nose was the result of a particularly vicious bout of sneezes. Ick.
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jonny's java....caramel mocha. a flat tire treat. |
So here's a mad-dog video to make you smile. All my best wishes as you prepare your hearts and homes for a meaningful Christmas season. I will possibly post once or twice more before we leave, but once we're in CA, all bets are off, we may be too busy with the whales, you see
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The world isn't only black and white
Last week Luke and I went to the grocery store to pick up one thing: cheese. Luke, however, had his mind set on a cookie from the bakery. So while he waited at the bakery counter for someone to notice his cute self, I ran across and got the cheese. When I got back to Luke he was silently chewing on a cookie. He took two steps to follow me to the till, stopped, smiled and said, "The world isn't only black and white!"
I laughed until I cried.
Just so you know, Luke is deep, but not really on that level yet. We have a book about a penguin named Edna who is looking for something that's not black, white or blue. When she discovers some scientists out on the ice in their orange tents she says, "Wow, the world isn't only black white and blue!" Luke loves to regurgitate his favorite stories. And I love to hear it. Especially - especially out of context.
I laughed until I cried.
Just so you know, Luke is deep, but not really on that level yet. We have a book about a penguin named Edna who is looking for something that's not black, white or blue. When she discovers some scientists out on the ice in their orange tents she says, "Wow, the world isn't only black white and blue!" Luke loves to regurgitate his favorite stories. And I love to hear it. Especially - especially out of context.
The toque, and the color yellow
Monday, November 22, 2010
"I'm a winter boy"
We finally got snow this week and Luke's new phrase is, "I'm a winter boy!" And yesterday he sure was. We stayed out in the snow; running and falling down and then laughing a big fake laugh for almost 45 minutes. Luke kept refusing to come inside until finally I asked for the18th time if he was ready to go inside and warm up and he started crying. When I could finally make out what he was saying I felt so bad. He was sobbing (frozen tears on his jacket), "My fingers are cold. My toes are cold. I wanna go inside!" Poor little guy. It was fun while it lasted. And then the hot chocolate was fun.
We also decorated for Christmas this weekend. Some garland above the cabinets, our tree, a tiny nativity that my Aunt Deanna got us as a wedding gift (by the way - GREAT, unique wedding gift idea!), and some snowflake candles. Luke is enamoured with the his mom. This morning he got out of bed, opened his door, and instead of coming in to snuggle with me like he normally does, he ran down the hall and plugged the christmas tree lights into the wall, climbed up on the couch and was just looking at it when I walked in. (Don't worry, we will do something about the plugging in bit so he won't electrocute himself!).
By the way, 18 weeks today! Nearly half-way along with this pregnancy. Still feeling rotten, which is my excuse for not blogging more. But we're praying, and hoping and hoping and praying that the puking and exhaustion is on it's way out...hopefully we can eat turkey this weekend to celebrate US Thanksgiving with some fellow expatriates.
Friday, November 12, 2010
something cute
I just laid Luke down for his nap and I said, "You're the best boy!" and he said, "I'm not a boy, I'm a kid." Sure, sure, I said. Then the real reason for his clarification appeared:
"I'm not an inside kid, Mom. I'm an outside kid. I don't belong in a bed. I belong outside. I'm not tired."
Who knew I had an outside kid? The tag from the hospital with his washing instructions doesn't say anything about inside or outside on it. I guess that's something you have to wait and see about. Perhaps we will have to move somewhere warmer so he can be an outside kid year-round.
"I'm not an inside kid, Mom. I'm an outside kid. I don't belong in a bed. I belong outside. I'm not tired."
Who knew I had an outside kid? The tag from the hospital with his washing instructions doesn't say anything about inside or outside on it. I guess that's something you have to wait and see about. Perhaps we will have to move somewhere warmer so he can be an outside kid year-round.
video friday
This video is actually from last month, but I love that he just chatters away to himself. If you knew the stories we'd been reading at the time, and the projects we were doing around the house lots of his chatter would make more sense. But I think you'll enjoy it anyway.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
What's for dinner at your house?
Because I'm not cooking. Long day...Derek has today off from work and spent the day painting the basement. Luke spent the entire day whining and crying. I am tired. So without further ado. Here are some painting pictures.

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We look happy don't we? We're such good fakers. We're all a bit more than grumpy at this point. |
Monday, November 8, 2010
happy november
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Dependents
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I am especially glad to have put together this gorgeous glass collection since I've spent so many days laying on the couch watching the colors move across the ceiling. I haven't yet captured the light properly...I'll try again tomorrow. |
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Nanner nanner nanner, Californians! Your sweet peas were done in May and mine were just beginning, but look at them now - at the end of October! Five months of sweet peas! I got sick of them there for a while and stopped picking them (I thought they were going to die soon) and they seemed to thrive on my neglect! Sweet peas in October. Who'd-a-thunk? |
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Yes it is eleven a.m. and we are still in our jammies. No I haven't washed my hair in ... I can't remember when. Yes, I puked up my breakfast. No we do not know what's for lunch... or dinner. |
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My three dependents. |
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more glass lights on the wall. |
Derek has been very supportive and helpful during my nausea and vomiting. Luke will follow me into the bathroom and say, "Mommy are you sick? You'll be okay. Should I pat your back for a while?" I really am surrounded by the best boys in the world. They don't ask for much. But I still feel bad to be giving so little. I remember what it felt like to get up and make blueberry muffins for breakfast, instead of putting cold cereal on the table and telling everyone to help themselves while I go lay on the couch. We will get there again someday. There is hope. My dependents will find me dependable again someday. For now it will have to be sufficient that for one tiny and still unknown dependent person I am giving everything everyday all the time.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Luke recites stories to himself while he's playing. I can't catch it on video because he's all of a sudden camera shy (could it be that I haven't taken his picture in so long that he's becoming self-conscious?). But just as I was sitting here thinking what interesting anecdote to regale you with, Luke sits in the clean laundry with his race cars humming, "Bump bump bump, did you ever ride a seven hump wump? Yes, I have. Oh! Wump Bump Hump Wump." His other favorite story recently is, "Many large stones came rolling down the mountain. I am not afraid! shouted Toad. Frog leapt up the mountain and Toad came puffing up behind...." He can recite the entire thing! It's really amazing. He loves stories. We've mostly moved away from books and just recite our favorite stories now which include: The Billy Goats Gruff, The Big Hungry Bear Story (any story with a big hungry bear), and The Green Dinosaur Story (any story with a green dinosaur). His favorite line from Billy Goats Gruff is, "The troll fell into the water with a mighty splash", which he says LOUDLY, "The tro' fewl into the water wif a MIGHTY 'PLASH!"
He's pretty much my favorite person to spend time with. Which is lucky really, since we're kind of stuck together.
He's pretty much my favorite person to spend time with. Which is lucky really, since we're kind of stuck together.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My letter to the editor of Winkler Times (I hope they print it!)
And before you get too far, you should know that there is a baby in my womb. I got to see his/her little heart beating and legs kicking. I don't have copies of any of the images because the hospital is kind of pissy about details as you'll see from the following letter. But thanks for your prayers, we can still use them as there does seem to be some blood pooling in my uterus and we're still not sure why. Without further ado:
I had an upsetting experience at Boundary Trails Health Centre today. I went in for an ultrasound scheduled because we were uncertain whether or not I'd had a miscarriage. We had to wait several days for the appointment, and were handling the stress of uncertainty pretty well. Still, by the time we got to the hospital my husband and I were very anxious and full of questions. Finally the ultrasound technician called my name and we both stood up to have the procedure done that would finally tell us if we were mourning the loss of our little one, or continuing on the long road of pregnancy - and we were stopped short. "Your husband will have to wait in the waiting room", said the technician, "It's hospital policy". When we explained our dismay at being separated during such an important procedure the technician replied that she didn't make the rules but that it was "hospital policy", and if I wanted to argue about it I could go somewhere else for my ultrasound.
She pulled out the sheet of paper that supposedly explained this "policy", yet nowhere on the page did it say anything about separating a mother and father during an ultrasound - in fact it was as vague as vague can be and seemed to be written for the specific purpose of allowing the hospital staff to make up rules as they went along without explaining themselves. Knowing that I might have to wait weeks to get an ultrasound in Winnipeg, I did as the technician asked and followed a complete stranger into a dark room accompanied only by my fear that I would see an empty womb. My husband sat alone far down the hall anxiously and helplessly chewing his fingernails like an expectant father of fifty years ago, waiting to hear that his wife just completed the most difficult task of her life without any help from her partner, husband, and helpmate.
This entire scene is ridiculous. Why are mothers and fathers being separated during what should be a shared experience? Why is Boundary Trails adding to the stress of expectant mothers and fathers? The only explanation the ultrasound technician could give me was that having another person in the room trying to look at the screen while the technician performed her tasks would be distracting and disruptive. When did polite bedside manner go completely out the window - she can't just ask for silence while she works and allow the mother and father to support one another by silently holding hands? I am disappointed in Boundary Trails Health Centre's decision to allow petty "policies" (I put it in quotes because I refer to a ridiculous, unwritten one) to be upheld without taking the patient's, and the patient's family's, peace of mind into consideration. I intend to write a letter to the hospital and would appreciate it if anyone else who has had this disturbing experience would join me in making a LOUD objection, and write a letter of your own.
-Laura A. Thiessen
She pulled out the sheet of paper that supposedly explained this "policy", yet nowhere on the page did it say anything about separating a mother and father during an ultrasound - in fact it was as vague as vague can be and seemed to be written for the specific purpose of allowing the hospital staff to make up rules as they went along without explaining themselves. Knowing that I might have to wait weeks to get an ultrasound in Winnipeg, I did as the technician asked and followed a complete stranger into a dark room accompanied only by my fear that I would see an empty womb. My husband sat alone far down the hall anxiously and helplessly chewing his fingernails like an expectant father of fifty years ago, waiting to hear that his wife just completed the most difficult task of her life without any help from her partner, husband, and helpmate.
This entire scene is ridiculous. Why are mothers and fathers being separated during what should be a shared experience? Why is Boundary Trails adding to the stress of expectant mothers and fathers? The only explanation the ultrasound technician could give me was that having another person in the room trying to look at the screen while the technician performed her tasks would be distracting and disruptive. When did polite bedside manner go completely out the window - she can't just ask for silence while she works and allow the mother and father to support one another by silently holding hands? I am disappointed in Boundary Trails Health Centre's decision to allow petty "policies" (I put it in quotes because I refer to a ridiculous, unwritten one) to be upheld without taking the patient's, and the patient's family's, peace of mind into consideration. I intend to write a letter to the hospital and would appreciate it if anyone else who has had this disturbing experience would join me in making a LOUD objection, and write a letter of your own.
-Laura A. Thiessen
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
photos at last
on the way home from the airport Luke tries on Grampa's assortment of hats. |
the last rescued veggies were made into the most delicious turkey pot pie. um - yum! |
Like mother, like son. When a mother goes around half-dressed and doesn't bother to do her hair, what can you expect from her precocious two-year old? |
what are they making? now that's a silly question. |
Grampa and Luke go for walks to the park. |
race cars need somewhere to crash...playdough! |
sorry for the crazy eyes. just had to wait too long for somebody to take the picture. |
oh but you should see it. it's a thing of beauty. all cleaned up. yucky old stuff that I never harvested tossed away - never to be seen or heard from again! and tomorrow's task: buy and plant the perfect apple tree (requirements: hardy, good for pies AND juice/cider, and preferably something that will grow several feet per year - we're in a hurry for apples). All of this thanks to my Dad who claims, "I know nothing about gardening! Manitoba." |
shamefully, ridiculously, lover-ly-ly good.
Well, it's been a very long time since I've posted. I am sorry about that. I'm sorry too that I haven't been taking very many pictures, so I don't even have much to share with you after all this time. It's just been kind of a whirlwind. First there was all the puking, nausea and exhaustion. Now I've gone ten days at a stretch without puking and seem to have limited amounts of energy (which is a huge improvement), but my days have been full with Thanksgiving and a visit from my Dad! My "baby-brain" has taken effect so my vocabulary is greatly reduced, but I do seem to have an abundance of Mary Poppins tunes floating through my head....which explains the title of this post, perhaps.
I am finally up to blogging a bit, and now my computer is having issues and I can't upload any photos. So I will give you a different sort of image.
My to do list two weeks ago for one day:
get out of bed
eat breakfast/feed Luke breakfast
lay on the couch and read books to Luke
attempt to eat lunch
sleep while Luke naps
wake up and decide where to order dinner from
lay on the couch while everyone else eats
go to bed
My to do list today:
get up, get dressed, get out the door by 9am
have a massage!
come home and read while Dad and Luke play in the basement
help Dad tear out my garden (and score several beautiful carrots and onions in the process!)
eat leftover thanksgiving dinner (party potatoes!!)
put luke down for a nap
go back outside and dig in the dirt
come inside and check my email for the first time in several days
read my book
play with Luke when he wakes up from his nap
watch Dad make turkey pot pie
eat turkey pot pie
help build a second compost bin
read some stories with Luke
go to bed
See how much I can get done when I only have 10% of my usual energy? I think that's a pretty impressive list....hopefully it continues to improve, and you will hear from me more regularly.
I am finally up to blogging a bit, and now my computer is having issues and I can't upload any photos. So I will give you a different sort of image.
My to do list two weeks ago for one day:
get out of bed
eat breakfast/feed Luke breakfast
lay on the couch and read books to Luke
attempt to eat lunch
sleep while Luke naps
wake up and decide where to order dinner from
lay on the couch while everyone else eats
go to bed
My to do list today:
get up, get dressed, get out the door by 9am
have a massage!
come home and read while Dad and Luke play in the basement
help Dad tear out my garden (and score several beautiful carrots and onions in the process!)
eat leftover thanksgiving dinner (party potatoes!!)
put luke down for a nap
go back outside and dig in the dirt
come inside and check my email for the first time in several days
read my book
play with Luke when he wakes up from his nap
watch Dad make turkey pot pie
eat turkey pot pie
help build a second compost bin
read some stories with Luke
go to bed
See how much I can get done when I only have 10% of my usual energy? I think that's a pretty impressive list....hopefully it continues to improve, and you will hear from me more regularly.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
To be Two
I love having a two year old, even though more often than I'm proud of you may find me complaining about temper tantrums and time outs. His enthusiasm for simple things is is his energy. If his face while he's spinning around doesn't make you laugh out loud, you have lost the little kid in you, and I am sorry. Because this is all very good fun. Luke is so proud of his somersaults. He reminds me of when I was three or four (one of my earliest memories!) and my Mom babysat my cousin J'mark everyday. When J'mark would show up in the morning I would be so excited to see him that I would run around the couch and do a somersault on the cushions rolling into a headstand with my legs up on the wall behind the couch. Recently when I've been feeling really sick and tired and wishing there was something to feel excited about it doesn't take me long to realize that the little person beside me is pretty darn excited - all the time. He finds living and moving a thrill. What an art.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What we do when we can't do much
Watch other people work: Derek is painting Luke's big boy bed frame.![]() |
Pick the last of the tomatoes. Getting fresh air is wonderful...and not having to expend much energy to do it is even better. |
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Have friends over. Friends are the best kind of distractions from suffering. It's just hard when they leave, and I remember how sick I feel, and am slightly embarassed to have puked twice within their earshot. *sigh* |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Baby Thiessen #2 is on the way!
8weeks and counting.
Due date: April 27, 2011
I have a wonderful excuse for being away recently. I'm puking lots, sleeping lots, and not getting much else done. It's taken everything out of me just to finish up my Fall photography projects which include two Grand Prize winner's photo shoots (we did drawings at the Farmer's Market and the Back 40), and our friend's daughter Madelyn's 2 year photos. Go over to and see the only photos I've taken in the last two weeks. I'm sorry I haven't got any new sunshine room photos, but this wonderful news will have to do.
8weeks and counting.
Due date: April 27, 2011
I have a wonderful excuse for being away recently. I'm puking lots, sleeping lots, and not getting much else done. It's taken everything out of me just to finish up my Fall photography projects which include two Grand Prize winner's photo shoots (we did drawings at the Farmer's Market and the Back 40), and our friend's daughter Madelyn's 2 year photos. Go over to and see the only photos I've taken in the last two weeks. I'm sorry I haven't got any new sunshine room photos, but this wonderful news will have to do.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Is this thing on?
Dear readers,
I know you're too polite to say, "what the #&@*?" and ask where I've gone. And frankly I'm much too tired to tell you the whole story. This week has flown by in a whirlwind of sickness and rain here in Winkler, Manitoba. I took these photos on Tuesday, one of our only nice, sunny days this week (although still too cold for my liking - frost?! really?! already?!).
Luke was rocking out, singing along to Beethoven (how do you do that with no words? Luke can tell you how - you make up your own words, and not like your own collection of English words, but your VERY OWN words ie: redolphindaddyoleo) and dancing on his new big boy bed. Well, it's new to him. Derek's dad actually built it for Derek when Derek was a little boy. We moved it upstairs into Luke's room to get him used to it and to get it out of the way while Derek gets to work on basement renovations.
He's already got a wall up to close off my very own new office. It's lovely, I will get you a photo soon. In the meantime you get pictures of the sunset's ripple reflections on my wall, and the cutest boy in the world singing into...a jump rope.
talk to you soon, hopefully!
I know you're too polite to say, "what the #&@*?" and ask where I've gone. And frankly I'm much too tired to tell you the whole story. This week has flown by in a whirlwind of sickness and rain here in Winkler, Manitoba. I took these photos on Tuesday, one of our only nice, sunny days this week (although still too cold for my liking - frost?! really?! already?!).
Luke was rocking out, singing along to Beethoven (how do you do that with no words? Luke can tell you how - you make up your own words, and not like your own collection of English words, but your VERY OWN words ie: redolphindaddyoleo) and dancing on his new big boy bed. Well, it's new to him. Derek's dad actually built it for Derek when Derek was a little boy. We moved it upstairs into Luke's room to get him used to it and to get it out of the way while Derek gets to work on basement renovations.
He's already got a wall up to close off my very own new office. It's lovely, I will get you a photo soon. In the meantime you get pictures of the sunset's ripple reflections on my wall, and the cutest boy in the world singing into...a jump rope.
talk to you soon, hopefully!
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