Sunday, April 10, 2011

38 weeks

Week 38 lies ahead and looks to me as though it will be the most difficult week so far.
One of my good friends is being induced tomorrow and her baby is not expected to live much more than a few hours at most.  The funeral is planned for the end of the week.  Being pregnant at the same time, and her support during my struggle to conceive has been very special and the loss of her baby boy after a full 40 weeks is a painful journey.  I've been feeling sad and a little out of it all day today just knowing what the week ahead holds.

The joy that this week holds also confuses my system of emotions.  My Mom comes on Friday and is here for her Spring Break, and the WBS annual meetings in Winnipeg are next weekend which is always a fun time with family and taking Luke to the pool.  Then there's my usual doctor appointment this week, with the optimism of last Friday's ultrasound still hanging in the air.  Our baby measured approximately 6lb 13oz on the ultrasound (plus or minus a pound), even though I'm measuring small and haven't gained any weight in 3 or 4 weeks.  I look forward to my doctor's visits and hearing the baby's heartbeat.  

Yet this week we will hear it having just said good-bye to another tiny heartbeat that we so anticipated.  

Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.  ~George Eliot


  1. What a week.....will be praying for you and for your friend.

  2. So close my dear...thinking of you as you wait and prepare. Looking forward to your new addition. Much love.

    I'm heartbroken for your friend. I'd be glad to help provide some resources and links to a community of women who have experienced something similar. Feel free to give her my email if there is a time that seems right later on.
