Friday, April 15, 2011

The End of the Week

Tomorrow is officially the end of this week.  We've said good-bye to a dear little baby, and tonight we say hello to a visitor from far away.  The camera has come out of it's bag for very little because these are days when I have felt powerfully that I need to sit in the moment and not behind the lens.

After meeting baby Wyatt on Tuesday afternoon I sat in the sun on my back porch and watched my dog "protect our airspace" as my Mom's friend says.  I contemplated babies.  I contemplated what it means to be alive.  And those two thoughts and all they entail so overwhelmed me that even when my son fell comically face down in the mud, or twelve little birds lined up front to back to front on the deck railing, or the sun shone so that I stood outside in barefeet and short sleeves, I could not bring myself to get out my camera.

So this week you are left with words, words words.

And we are left to say good-byes.  
And hellos.

Such joy in a meeting.  Such sorrow in parting.


  1. A difficult place for your heart to be this week. Sometimes I just can't wrap my head and heart around the sorrow that swirls around. And yet, life keeps going, and that heart keeps beating.

  2. Laura, how very sorry I am for your friends. My heart goes out to them. Much love to you all! Aunt Laurie
