Monday, May 2, 2011

No news

Maybe you've been assuming we had a baby and that's why I haven't blogged?  Nope.  No baby in our arms.  Just continually and forever in my belly!

Induction will probably happen Friday or Monday, but I'll know for sure on Wednesday after my doctor's appointment.  You'll know when we know.  And for now, if you'll excuse me, I will try to keep busy around the house, visiting people, going for walks and not going crazy counting the hours, or the contractions (because YES, I'm having contractions but NO they're not close enough together to be anything important!!!).  So I will be absent from blogging until I have good news...and not grouching.

Happy May, by the way.  We welcomed it with snow. 
*grouch grouch grouch*


  1. I was thinking of you these last days. C'mon uterus contract, contract, contract!!!

  2. Been thinking of you, and know how hard it is to wait when you feel ready. Can't wait to hear though, and will have you all in mind. Love to all.

  3. Ugh. So sorry! U must be going nuts! Have u tried nipple stimulation?
