Friday, May 20, 2011

The sweetest thing

Is it.....
falling asleep with a snuggly, nursing baby at my breast?
cuddling on the couch with a big boy who will sit through an entire movie (praise the lord!)?
seeing the first blossoms - other than dandelions - in the garden?
getting my hands dirty planting carrots, basil, lettuce, spinach and tomatoes - and wearing my new/used garden boots?
having the first BBQ hamburgers and rhubarb crisp of the season with our care group?
fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans?
knowing that dinner is being brought to us this evening and I don't have to cook/menu plan?


  1. Oh boy... that's a hard pick. Right now I pick the "fitting into pre-pregnancy jeans" as the sweetest thing because that's the one I can identify with right now. =)

    P.S. I'm looking forward to seeing your garden boots.

  2. I can't decide between the baby at the breast, the jeans, or the rhubarb crisp. How about you bottle the entire day, it's THAT good.
