Thursday, July 28, 2011

The boy's got skills

I find it amazing that he colored each of the cars the right color...except for that hippie VW van, but we don't even remember his name.

This is what's been happening to cars a lot lately.  They get put on time out by being strapped onto the blind-pull.  Or else Luke narrates the car learning how to fly:  "I'm way up high in the sky, but I'm not afraid!  You're not? asks Doc.  No, I'm flying!  It's so fun up here.  Maybe I'm on a trapeze".
Things Luke said:
"The tail's too waggy!"
"I can supply you with a vehicle, Dad."
"If we hold frogs in our hands too long they will pee in our hands and that's yucky, but if we mow over them the lawnmower won't work, right?"
"I need to write Papa a check so he can buy a new motorcyle."
"Don't wipe the toothpaste off my face, I want it there for later." 


  1. I'm so glad that you write down what Luke says because it's just priceless. Hey Luke-Luke can ya write a cheque for ol' Auntie Kathy too? Ha ha ha!

  2. These are so funny, Laura. And the hippie van is Fillmore...Aunt Laurie/Gigi - and watcher of "Cars" a thousand times...
