Linus, you've got to convince yourself that you can do it.
For my birthday I want everyone to play baseball in the baseball orchard. (upon further investigation we discovered that he meant baseball "field" can see where the confusion lay, especially since we just recently returned from California)
Isn't it funny that I'm wearing denim and you're wearing denim and Dad's wearing denim and Seamus is wearing denim, but Linus is not wearing denim? Oh, Linus. You don't have any denim.
Mom, wake up! It's a lovely blue day today, look outside. I'll open your blinds. Look! The blue is shining in!
Did you hurt your toe? You're just poor Mom. And your toe.

Thanks for a great laugh. I always read "Luke says" posts to Mark when he's around and we both laugh. You and your poor toe. And poor Linus with no denim. I'm thankful for Luke's perspective on the world.