Friday, July 6, 2012

Luke Says:

Oh hurray!  It's Friday!  Fry-day is for eating fries.

I'm eating, I just don't look like I'm eating.  It's camouflage.

mom: Two thumbs up means the best.
luke: Two thumbs down is worsest.

mom: You have to come in.
luke: Why?
mom: It's dinner-time.
luke: I don't want dinner in the Summer.  I'll come in for Winter!

mom (singing broken off): Morning has broken, blackbird has - if you swing that yo-yo anymore you're going to hit somebody, and I'll have to take it away!

I don't like Sunday School because there's snack-time and then I don't have an appetite for lunch.

mom: We're going to hit two birds with one stone.
luke: What?
mom: We're going to get two things checked off our to-do list at the same time!
luke: And the birds in the bushes will be so surprised?!

luke (holding up shoes): Are they on the right feet?
mom: Nope.
luke (switches sides): How about now?
mom: Nope.
luke (exasperated, switches sides): How about now?
mom: Uuum, no.
luke: You're pulling my leg, aren't you?

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