Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Splashing Auntie Sarah

Dear Auntie Sarah,
    Thanks for coming 2,000 miles to play with me in the pool.  I had a great time showing you around my home town.  I especially liked that you were around for Luke's swim lessons so you could hear me say, "Bubba" (brother) for the first time as we watched him swim!  Your commitment to your yoga practice inspired me to commit myself to my walking and a few days after you left I decided to just go for it.  I'm walking everywhere now.  It was so funny: you left  Thursday, Mama counted me taking seven steps Saturday, thirteen steps Sunday as I followed Luke down the aisle at church to hear the children's story, and on Monday I heard her tell Grammy on the phone that it wasn't really worth counting anymore because I was off and running.  But I'm not running yet, so I don't know what she was talking about.  She's so dramatic sometimes.
   The day you left was really hard for me.  It was a long drive to Fargo, but this time the drive home wasn't nearly as interesting as when we picked you up and had you in the car on the way home.  We were all tired and Mama said she was going to cry because she just wanted to get on the plane with you, so to keep everyone distracted we watched Lady and the Tramp (shout out to Auntie Lissa!), and Mama told us stories about you when you all lived on the cotton research station. It also was pretty cool to watch your plane take off.  It was too hot to wait outside in the heat, so we stayed in the van, but we had front row seats!  Your plane went so fast and then went - ZOOM - into the air!  I laughed and clapped my hands.
   We'll see you soon, Auntie.  Mama says we're going to get on that plane real soon and then we'll get to feel it ZOOM for ourselves.  I am so excited!
                                                        Miss you so much already,

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