Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Falcon Lake with the Toews Family

Our morning coffee break view.

Last weekend we went camping with some very good friends of ours.  They have to be very good friends to go camping with us crazy people, don't they?  Because of course we couldn't just go camping.  We had to drive to the city first and rent a kayak!  And figure out how to tie a kayak to the top of the truck!  And figure out how to get the kayak to the water!  And figure out how to lose our glasses when the kayak tips over (okay that wasn't on the camping trip, that was just last night....but you see how troublesome we Thiessens are!?).  The Toews family puts up with us, and even seems to like us despite it all.  We like them too.  They're silly.  Like this:

Karen and Danika :)

The boys LOVED the boat.  They fought over who got to go out with Dad.

Who's captain of this boat anyway?!

Breakfast.  I just happened to capture that peaceful moment before all hell broke loose.

Another Thiessen adventure.  We packed up in a thunderstorm, which was good.  It was the boy's first shower in three days!

The whole get-up and proof that I was there.

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