Thursday, February 17, 2011


Perhaps I've mentioned how hard this winter has been.  Perhaps I've complained about how LONG it seems.  Perhaps I've moaned a wee bit about how depressed I've gotten this winter.  Perhaps I've moaned a Lot.

I apologize.   But here we are again.  I'm sad.  And maybe it's SAD (seasonal affective disorder).  Or maybe it's just sad.  Or maybe it's just impatience and discomfort combined with a crazy-cold windy, snowy day outside.  Sometimes it seems like people are dying and getting deathly ill, and the weather is going down the drain again, and my projects are few and far between, company coming over seems cheering but means cleaning, and I'm

Where is my ambition?

I think I left it in my pants pocket.  And my pants are WAY over there, across the room.


  1. Way to put a Melissa-ism into your blog :). What about sewing projects? Working on anything recently? XOXO, Auntie Lis

  2. this winter has been hard on most people i know. it's a particularly tough one.
