Thursday, February 24, 2011

Around the House

Luke is sick.  Even fun things take a long time to get psyched up for.

New baby's blanket started!  Lots of stories for the sick boy.  This week's favorites include:  A Visitor for Bear, and Where the Wild Things Are.

Portzelky (Fritters, New Year's Cookies).  Thanks to my husband for braving the hot oil.  I'm a big wimp when it comes to hot oil.

oh it was worth it!

Baby thought so too.  I lost count of how many I ate that day.


  1. Genius! I should make fritters baby wants some as well. :D

  2. Bummer on Luke being sick. We're all sick this week too. It sucks.

    I haven't had New Year's Cookies in years. Perhaps when I have an appetite again I could try making some. =)

  3. Thank you for your comment! I have wrapped the Portzelky in foil and warmed them up... not bad! Not as good as totally fresh... but still good.
    Love that last picture of you .. the black and white. It looks so retro.
