Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, Wednesday, Today.

There are no pictures from the last few days.  I've been taking it easy and rushing around getting stuff done (perhaps you know what this feels like?), and just haven't gotten out the camera or gotten down to the computer to post.  Luke and I attended a morning out for Mom's on Tuesday, had company for dinner, cleaned house yesterday, grocery shopped, and today I had a doctor appointment, an appointment to have my photo taken for my Permanent Resident card, and this evening I'm hosting an Usborne Books party in my home.  So you can imagine there's been baking, cleaning and preventative playing (preventing future messes by having very organized play). 

It's been a hectic week, and I've been emotionally all over the map - which is normal for me, even when I'm not pregnant.  I've had heartburn, leg cramps, felt super-energized and was even once found baking at 9:30 at night.  I have been sleeping soundly and laying awake at 2am (hence the new color scheme for the blog).  Luke has been naughty (running away when I say come is my least favorite form of disobedience); he's been very very sweet (rushing out of his room when I choked on a cracker and shouting, "Are you okay?!" before he tripped over the vacuum cord); he's been friendly ("I don't want to say good-bye to those kids mom!"); and he's been anti-social ("Mom go run some errands and Linus and I will stay home" - yes, he's TWO and he's telling me to go away....I feel like I live with a teenager!). 

I've also been experiencing lots of contractions which has been a little nerve-wracking since I went into pre-term labor with Luke.  They haven't been regular, just frequent, so we're not worried yet.  And this morning my doctor checked me out and there's no bladder infection and my cervix is still tightly closed.  So for now we just assume this is my body's "normal" response to pregnancy....whatever normal means right now, for me, in this place, today, until something changes.

So there's my update, and hopefully some photos tomorrow with a post on my dreams for our church's nursery (I'm writing that so I don't forget that I want to write about it, not because I think it sounds so exciting and exotic that you will be compelled to return to read about my church's nursery program).

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