Monday, February 14, 2011

First Ever Ice Skating

This picture makes me laugh out loud, every time.

Our church had a Valentine's Day Social at the Winkler Arena last night.  So we borrowed some skates for Luke and he went out on the ice for the first time!  I laughed harder than I've laughed in weeks watching Luke's little legs pedaling under him like a spider on roller skates.  He was just running in place and Derek was holding him up, pulling him around the rink.  He made several loops without figuring out his balance, so we finally gave him a chair to hold on to; and when he got tired of falling down and pulling himself up, he climbed up on the chair and Derek pushed him around the ice for a while.  After a snack and an ankle rest, Luke hit the ice for a second time in his tennies, and really enjoyed running around and falling down like the big boys.  Luke won the award for youngest skater: a storybook about Noah and a stuffed dog.

I haven't skated in years (though I own a pair of skates), so I thought it best to stay in my boots until my center of gravity is more dependable.


  1. Hilarious!! Luke, good for you for getting on the ice. I haven't in years and I'm sure that I would be ridiculed for not knowing how to skate....Don't all Canadians skate?! Well, some of us do and others of us don't. And those of us that don't, support people like you Luke.

  2. That`s so great! I`m in the same shoes (or skates) as you... owning a pair of skates, but needing my center of gravity back (not to mention my abdominal muscle function). It doesn`t help that I`m always pregnant in winter. Gah!

  3. I'm so happy the skates fit and Luke had a good time.
