Monday, October 3, 2011


Oh film. 
You make my Pentax jump 
through flaming hoops of glory,
Make me proud.
Make me remember.

Sue Sorensen in her office at CMU.  This was the day I did the author's photo for A Large Harmonium, her first novel.


Visiting Norman and Ann in Rosenort.  Norman and Ann are in our care group.

Playing in the fountain at Bethel Heritage Park on one of our last really hot days.

A surprise photo!  My first belly shot - from my first pregnancy!  The beginning of the roll was from four years ago.

Baby Luke on the left,       Baby Seamus on the right!
Same roll of film.

Baby Luke - a little older.

Mara's birthday cake.

The Carl Man.
Jumping on the trampoline at Mara's birthday party.
Jack and Luke at the Morden Farmer's Market
We have such good oral hygiene at our slumber parties!

1 comment:

  1. I love those pictures. Something amazing about film, eh?
