Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's Goin' On

Jolly jumping gets us through the day.  It is by far Seamus' favorite activity.

Still harvesting.  Still delicious.

New Costco jammies on a sweet tired boy.

Does this need any explanation?  I think it's pretty self-explanatory. 

We drove out to Brandon on Saturday to photograph this housing built by WBS.  This is just two of the units.  Boy was it cold while we were photographing at 9:30 in the morning!  See the frost on the grass?


On the way home Luke insisted that Seamus sit closer to him.  They laughed and giggled and laughed and played with that bug until they fell fast asleep.

The sky was so beautiful on the way home; it looked like a giant opal.  I wish I had photographed the fog in the morning - just before sunrise (yes we left before sunrise!!).  It was just like tule fog, back home in the San Joaquin Valley.  It rose off the ground in layers.  We drove past a pumping station and the light on top of the pole was totally invisible in the fog, but there was a perfectly clear orange circle of light on the ground.  Strange and lovely.

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