Thursday, October 20, 2011

Luke's Perspective

While it is not common practice around here to pass the child the camera, we had a "camera safety" lesson the other day and let Luke have a go...since we now own a camera that we're not terrified of him dropping  (Luke, if you're reading this, the pro camera is still entirely OFF LIMITS).

I like this collection of photos from Luke's perspective and I feel they will tell you a lot about what we've been up to lately.  For example, we hung 2 photos in the dining room, the CHILD study ladies came and took dust samples and measurements of our house (click CHILD to learn more about the experiment we're involved in), Seamus is jollily jumping lots more, and we got a new exersaucer off of Pembina Valley Mom's Swap which Seamus enjoys quite a lot, and Luke might enjoy more (he drops race cars through the leg holes when Seamus isn't sitting in it).  I made bread and more bread yesterday (Easy French Bread from More With Less cookbook, and Whole Wheat Flax from Simply in Season), Luke has been painting with watercolors (hence the plastic table cloth in one photo), we set up the crib in Luke's room, moved Seamus into the crib to start sleep training, and Luke moved to the bedroom in the basement until sleep training is over, and Luke's best friend Linus is still hanging in there even though he nearly forfeit his life when he destroyed one of my cotton sack kitchen towels last week because it smelled like biscuits.

Hard to argue, it's a good life.

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