Boy, the word "TWO" really started to look like it was spelled wrong before I finished this one. I can hardly believe it's been two years. Two years ago I longed to hear his voice make words and tell me why he was crying (when he cried). And now my ears are so full of his words that sometimes I have to ask him for a "talking break" so Mommy's ears can recover! My ears are full of words like, "Feet Peas" (sweet peas), "Babing Suit" (bathing suit), "Yinus" (Linus), and "Cacamoday" (guacamole). But what really makes my ears full are sentences like, "I will put my pants on and go to visit Grandpa in Canifoh-nuh." and, "I'm on a time-out because I disobeyed you Mommy; I'm sorry Mommy, I'll obey you." and, "I'm feeling grumpy because I was ready for dinner already." and, "I'm going peed on the toilet also!" and, "I like to run through the 'pinkler and shout 'hurray', okay mommy? Hur-ray!". |
I remember holding him in the hospital and I figured he would be quite something else. And to think that in two short years, he's become even more than we could imagine, eh?