Two things that remind me of my Mom. Ruffledy pink sweet peas (grown from your seeds, Mom!), and pulling fresh carrots out of the ground - Mom enjoyed pulling my carrots so much she didn't much care if the carrots were ripe! |
I've made a few colorful additions to my favorite window in the house. The big yellow one is on probation (do we like it?). The square blue one is new. And the one that looks like a bong is so weird that Derek doesn't like it - but it throws the BEST color across the room when the sun shines through it. |
Can you believe it? I've discovered this as yet untapped resource!! Luke loves to help, and usually makes more of a mess doing it, but he's just such a cheerful worker that I've started giving him tasks. Yesterday he vacuumed the living room. It took him about half an hour - but I didn't have to do it! I was SO proud. So proud. |
I gave Luke a sucker this afternoon for keeping his gitch (underwear) dry during his nap and told him that this was a special sucker because it was filled with bubble gum. About half an hour later Luke ran over to me with blue lips, jumped in place and shouted, "I found the gum bubble!"
Later we sat on the steps of the deck drinking tea and watching Linus do "mad dog" (tearing around the yard in circles just for the hell of it), and Luke leaned over, sighed, and put his arm around me. He snuggled a bit and said, "You yub me Mommy. I yub you too. You are so proud of me, and so is Grammy." I think he's gotten the message. Loud and clear.
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