All the grandkids. |
Sorry I didn't get any photos of the actual food we ate. It was really good! I made a potato salad with locally grown potatoes, local eggs, and peas and spices from my own garden. This afternoon after I lay Luke down for his nap I went outside to plant a new honeysuckle vine and a virginia creeper behind the vegetable garden - I want them to cover the fence and intermingle. I got carried away and ended up turning the compost, moving three delphiniums, watering a wilty hydrangea and weeding a bunch. All of a sudden I looked up and there was a great black cloud overhead. Just as I looked down again a raindrop wiggled in and hit the inside of my glasses. Linus and I cleaned up our shovel and his dog toys and just as we ran in the back door there was a deluge. Wow. I love summer.
Crazy how those summer storms just come so quickly. But I think they are utterly amazing....