little hands |
it was hard to get a profile shot because baby kept looking at the camera. |
These ultrasound photos are almost two months old, but I finally scanned them in and thought they'd illustrate a point. The point is: my womb is a tight fit for this baby! See how his/her little legs are all scrunched up? I know I don't look big, folks, but this baby is just as big as s/he should be and my uterus is measuring right on track and I
feel just as pregnant as the woman who looks like she can't touch her fingertips around her belly at 27 weeks.
The most interesting sensation so far has been the one just as I'm falling asleep at night. I am certain, in those moments when I feel dizzy from all the baby's tumbling, that this baby is redecorating the womb. Maybe we have an interior designer on our hands. There's paint rollers going up and down. There's nails being hammered into the walls for newly framed photos. There's furniture getting pushed out of the way, and almost inevitably my bladder is in the little one's way and before the decorating is complete I have to make a trip to the bathroom. I know nothing about fung shue ( I probably didn't even spell that right), but this kid's got a big job trying to decorate in such a tight space.
Looking at the camera already, eh? This kid knows s/he has a photographer for a Mum. :) XOXO, Auntie Lis