Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Drift to Remember

Luke drew these whales this morning.  I was really impressed with their resemblance to actual whales, and sad that they were drawn on a white board and not on a piece of paper to put in his scrapbook...(um, does he actually have a scrapbook? -no.  But maybe someday...)

We have friends over to pass the January time.

Today was finally mild enough to go outside.  So into the backyard we went!  After Derek scraped off the deck, that is.

I don't know if you can tell how HIGH up Luke is on that drift.  He's above the cold frame that I left in my vegetable box, and at about the same height as the top of our compost bin = 4ft!  That drift is deep!

You may look at this picture and think it's cute until you see the next one...then you'll think I'm a terrible mother.

Yep, he lost his boot in that big drift and I didn't notice until he had run across the entire backyard in his stockinged foot.
But I redeemed myself by digging it out for him.  That's what Mom is for, right?

This is what I was doing while Luke was losing his boot.


  1. Laura:

    You should see all the drawn pictures we have of whales. Being one of Finn's favourite things, we have piles of pictures of them (seriously, he draws 10 or so pictures each morning before I'm even out of bed!). Well done Luke!!


  2. This blog is his scrapbook! Better than any scrapbook I've ever seen! And, I realized today this blog really does bring Sunshine into my day! Thanks for sharing! XOXOX, Auntie Lis
