Monday, January 31, 2011

Farewell Hair

He was the most patient, charming little hair-cut-ee in the history of children's haircuts.  Right away he found something in common with his stylist = animals.  See her kitty pictures? Just try stopping him talking after he found out she had a cat.

Luke's first professional haircut.


  1. More pictures of the cute haircut :)! So, darling and I'm glad he was such a doll for his stylist! Auntie Lis

  2. He looks so different! Glad it was a positive experience for him. Gosh, makes me want to go for a haircut. Do I get a sucker too?

  3. Having fun updating your blog? Checked for updates over the day and see different fonts, titles etc :). Kinda fun to know you're working on the blog as I check it. And, pretty colors! XOXOX, Auntie Lis
