Friday, January 14, 2011

what we woke up to on a friday & two's tragedy, in green.

When we got up this morning we were greeted with a fresh dump of snow, and great big beautiful flakes falling from the sky.  I love to watch the snow fall, but I'm seriously beginning to miss the sun!  Ironically, I had a dream last night that Derek sold our January.  How dumb would you have to get to sell your snowblower in January - in Manitoba?!

Luke's heartbreak.  The playdough was left out overnight with a very interesting scene enacted.  This morning we not only woke up to snow, but a very very crusty pile of playdough trampled by teenage mutant ninja turtles.  J'mark would be proud...of the turtles, not the irresponsibility of wasting a pile of perfectly good green playdough.

I got to sample a cupcake of the Far from disaster cake this morning and it was good.  Like, really good.  Like, go and make it right away for yourself to eat because I'm not sharing mine - good.

Luke has decided cutting is the new "hard work" he will excel at.  When it's been too quiet for too long and I go to check on him, I usually find him at his desk in his bedroom hacking away at paper.  When I ask how it's going he responds light-heartedly, "Good.  I'm just working hard at my desk."

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, Rafael, I don't think I'm going to make it, ahhhh......Michaelangelo, save yourself, go! go! save yourself!!!!
