Tuesday, March 22, 2011

35 Weeks

Here's the sleeper I bought for baby to wear home from the hospital.  I suppose it isn't terribly girl-y.  But I just love the little elephants!  If we have a little girl she's not going to be a frilly princess anyway, right?

I've been gaining weight pretty well these last few weeks and am only 3 pounds under what I weighed at the hospital the day Luke was born (before he was born).  It's always strange seeing those numbers creep up so high...even though I know they go down pretty easily once we start breast-feeding.  I guess a large part of the shock is due to the fact that I don't keep track of my weight at any other time in my life...and never have. 

Anyway, everything seems to be on track.  Baby's heartbeat is consistently above 150 bpm, and the little one is getting the hiccups three or four times a day - once always just as I'm trying to fall asleep at night.  Luke is getting nervous about sharing his toys with baby, and I'm getting nervous about getting around with two little ones, and Derek...well, he doesn't say much, but the other day when my contractions were coming regularly for about an hour and we were thinking we may have to go to the hospital he said he was "actually getting excited about having a little baby again".  So we're all beginning to wrap our minds around having family member #4 in the house, and I think we're pretty much thrilled (aside from learning how to share - which will be difficult). 

And one of us is getting impatient with lack of sleep.  One day I will have my hips back to myself.  That will be a good day.


  1. So excited for your family Laura! Can't wait to find out what you are having. You are much more patient than us, we just found out a week ago that we were having girl number four. I can't imagine waitintg until delivery, that must be so exciting!

  2. love LoVe LOVE the pictures!! And hiccups will continue when baby comes, same time too. Elena has them often. Ah, you'll do just great with 2. Seriously, when they come out, they don't do much except eat and poo and sleep and sometimes holler. But they don't move off the couch and pull down toys!

    And hey, wanna chat tomorrow night? Around 7:30 your time?
