Thursday, March 17, 2011


As I sat here uploading photos Luke sat on the living room floor whispering to himself.  I heard him saying, "Yum yum yummy" over and over again.  I looked up just in time to see him take a bite of a sticker, begin chewing, turn and hand the other half to Linus as he said very sweetly, "Here Linus, you can have the rest".  And Linus did.

PS- Luke's suggestions today for a name for the baby girl he's convinced we're having were Wopsy, or Taffy. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Luke is such a good share-er :). Thanks for the update Laur! And, that little boy of yours looks extra Irish. . .his hair looks red or at least strawberry in those pictures :). XOXO, Tons of love! Auntie Lis

  2. Taffy totally works. .. named after one of your favorite candies! :) Salt water taffy. Very similar to naming your son after a favorite author of a book of the Bible, eh? haha. OXOX Lis
