Monday, March 14, 2011

A sick day for daddy

It's finally Derek's turn to be sick.  On Saturday after Luke had had his meltdown, and I'd had a meltdown of my own I told Derek that it was his turn to cry and be whiney...he didn't take me up on the offer.  The next day he did, however, come down with a cold (or the flu?  I don't actually know the difference anymore), and he's still down for the count.  I can't remember the last time Derek took a sick day!  But I'm glad he's resting.

This weekend was a busy one for Luke.  He got into LOTS of mischief.  And was, also, his most charming and intelligent self.  I will start with the mischief:
  • Luke went upstairs and Derek and I didn't follow fast enough.  When we came up we were greeted by the site of an overflowing milk glass on the table top and Luke and Linus both on the floor licking up the puddle that was still growing from the drips off the table.
  • Luke stuck his stockinged feet in the toilet after he peed...before he flushed.
  • Luke poured an entire (new!) bottle of hand soap out over the bathroom counter and smeared it on the cupboards.
  • Luke peed on the floor (one of very few accidents in the last week, I should add), and proceeded to tromp through it and then run down the hall.
  • Luke found Derek's Vicks, opened it, and smeared it all over the alarm clock on our bedside table.
Now for the genius:
  • Luke was playing with his race cars in the living room. I was in the kitchen when he looked up at me and asked, "Mama, do you know what visualize means?"  I asked, "Do you?"  "Nope. What does it mean?" he asked.  I told him it was to picture something in your head.  A few minutes later Luke asked me again, "Mama, do you know what visualize means?"  "Yes," I said, "Do you?"  "Yes," Luke said nodding vigorously, "It means to make a picture in your head.  Yeah, uh-huh".  Not long after this exchange I heard Luke narrating a conversation between his race cars that included a sentence something like, "It is fantastic if you visualize it."
  • Derek asked Luke how his day was going and Luke responded with, "My day was a little long actually".  When Derek asked why it was so long Luke said, "I was crying for a little bit because of the time-out and I wanted a hug."

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