Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We are listing.  In more ways than one. 

For example, these are just the lists on the counter beside the phone (there are more in my journal and bedside table):

To Blog About:
To Do Today:
To Do Around the House on a Regular Basis:
To Do Before Baby's Born:
Garden Tasks:
Photo Editing:

Derek mentioned to me today while we were waiting at the doctor's office that he's having trouble keeping all of his lists straight at work.  The papers with the lists get lost and then old things go on new lists and old lists have new things, and most things tend not to get done when you want them to.  

Then there's the fact that these lists just keep getting longer because we've all been sick for what feels like forever!!!  First me, then Luke, then Derek, now Luke again, and me, and then Luke, oh and then Derek again somewhere in there.  I will "list" what all we've had:
each of us has had the stomach flu (including vomiting and diarrhea)
each of us has had a head cold
we think Derek had food poisoning
I have some sort of tonsil infection
Luke had a throat infection
now Luke has an ear infection
and of course there is the ever-present pregnancy which goes on this list because it often includes sleepless nights, evenings full of uncomfortable contractions, mood swings, heartburn, and general lethargy.

We, all of us, are listing.

Instead of blogging about something that's on the list....

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